Saturday, November 9, 2019

Tips on a good interview regardless of the type of employment.

The Prep

  • Make sure your Resume is fully updated and all information needed is furnished with a copy of all the certificates. The best is get it bineded.(a professional outlook)
  • Use a Black Pen. 
  • Make sure bring your originals as well
  • Having your friends and family including your cousins as references are not advice-able. Use your Lectures, teachers, managers, instructors. a minimum of 3. The more the better as your resume will look beefy and reliable and ofcourse they can be contacted.
  • We all have a past but still as a curtsy inform your reference nominees that you are putting them as references. Most of them will say the good unless you messed up real bad at work.
  • Dress professionally best in office attire . A simple shirt tucked in slacks, good office shoes. A neck tie is optional but better worn then not. You are going to work not a party.
  • A good cologne ,neat shave and a good haircut (proper grooming). looking like a rock-star does not necessarily work.
  • All the above is just representing Discipline.
  • Do small research on the company about the goods and also prep on the work related knowledge. What was thought in collage/Uni/School/ect are basic. Go through some journals if needed. Dig from some of your employed friends whom are working on the current on goings. If that friend is not giving you information , he/she is an asshole and not a friend.
  • Never put high expectations and overconfidence. Trust me if it does not turn out rite it hurts as bad as a break up. Hope for the best expect the worst.
  • Have a good rest no matter how nervous it could be. you need to be in full alert for your brain to function well.
  • Avoid going for parties/ drinks/distractions a night before. you need your a game in the upcoming day. Set 30 alarms if you have to for the morning. you know your timing on how long it takes to get ready from bed to the interview avenue.
  • If it helps psycho yourself like in even almighty at the mirror " I am Smart. I am Handsome. I am Intelligent. I will get this job" say it 3 times to yourself. Its sort of a self esteem boost.
 The Pre-Interview

  • Be calm and collected.
  • Before registering head to the washroom and freshen up. Adjust whatever needed. I have heard and seen enough people refreshing themselves up in the interview waiting room by digging their nose hair and doing all sorts. Its a horror show.
  • Be a friendly. Greet with a smile and a firm handshake. It eases the anxiety level talk and meet the people next to you. They might be people whom you work with or worst employed workers "disguise" as interviewees. 
  • Be very careful what you say. It takes 3 seconds to build rapport among people. And the first thing they notice is your shoes.
  • If can, share ideas and ask around what is to be expected from the interview. Although many are stingy in giving information but sharing will not kill you.Be a good soul and share.

The Interview Session

  • Knock the door before entering when you are called upon.
  • Ensure your palms are dry (squeeze a hankie or a tissue before going in)
  • Greet your interview panel and shake hands with all of them.
  • Have eye contact with all of them.
  • Place your File on the table and sit only when you are told to be seated.
  • Sit firm avoid shaking legs or hands (shows your nervousness) and putting one leg over the other.
  • Be confident. Not over confidence. Good confidence can help you get away with murder.
  • The interviewers are friendly so they wont eat you but do not be overly relaxed its not a gathering. Be professional
  • Introduce yourself. Stick to your self avoid bringing family (mum is a home maker, she has 4 siblings all of them are working in astro, malbro , luckystrke and ect)
  • Try to follow your resume format.(Name, Age, Single/married, Mum work Dad / work brother/sister study/work, where you live,what you studied/ are you working)
  • Do not overshare information. Do not Lie. Share only relevant information only. By doing so you will not put yourself in a pickle.
  • If you are unsure about the answer if its correct or wrong ,just say you'll get back to them and make sure you do.
  • Although the Panel has the information in the resume they want you to speak and wants to see if the information telly's.
  • Questions like why you left your previous jobs will come up. Answer them the best you can as you know if a slight doubt comes up the reference is always a call away.
  • "Why should I hire you" or "what can you contribute to the company " is a famous and common question but the answer is too general to answer . This is where the company background research helps.As for company contribution normally your skill set plays a role and whats your extras in the skill set.(Microsoft office is not an extra ordinary skill set. every Tom , Dick and Harry has them)
  • When the panel asks you any questions. Dont be silly on asking if i am hired or why is the sky blue. Ask them feedback about your performance to improve. (This shows willingness in learning and potential) regardless if you are hired or not . Ask them about when can they get back to you about the result of the interview.
  • DO NOT FLIRT AND BEING CHEEKY IN AN INTERVIEW its an interview not a partner finding session we have speed dating and tinder for that.
  • Before leaving, tell the panel "thank you for the opportunity given and hope to work with you soon". Shake hands with all of them be for you leave
  • And be a good soul and share info with the guys after you. Yes by sharing you may lose out on your opportunity but all good deeds come back to you.
  • Go home and forget about the interview and continue with life. If its meant for you, it is yours.

If the result is not up to what you expect, its OK!! Try again and Keep Moving Forward as "Meet the Robinsons" says and just keep swimming as Dory from "Finding Nemo". Its our perseverance is what makes us who we are and brings us to our destination or goals. 

Friday, November 8, 2019

Life is like a box of chocolate part 3 (hopefully the last one)

Ola, its part 3 to the soap opera of my life.

The Interview

There was 250 ish of us pilots attending the interview. All gathering for for our long awaited turn to get our jobs that we so hard strive for. If you asked me in 2012 why i would like to become a pilot, i would say to see the world but now, i say. just to pay the bills. Somehow all my anxiety caught up with me all the interviews i attended was bitter but memorable one . in the time while i was working in outsource, i conducted interviews too many times and yet being on the other end brought it all back. all the question i was asked recalled and memorized .I got my self the ACE Pilot Interview Q &A PDF. was memorizing them days before the interview. Then my turn came up. 3 pilots 1 DFO (Director of Flight Operations) 1 DOT (Director of Training) 1 Fleet Captain and 1 HR . 4 vs 1 interview panel. My name was called up and the friendly staff made me sit outside the interview room and hence started my silent review.

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My first memory of a panel interview was what is a microburst . the answer that i gave was related to a thing called a windshear. The second interview question from another group of panels were What is an ITCZ (Inter-tropical convergence zone), how clouds are formed and how does an airplane fly. ill give a full explanation later about the big words and terms. All of the questions and correct answers was running in my head. sort of going to war in my head. and also in the back ground praying saying my hail mary's as much as i could. Haansel!! was called. i calmly knocked the door went in greeted them with a diplomatic smile and hand shook all of them. And it began. After the formal introduction they asked about myself, my employment, simple family background, education and why i had 2 sittings. I explained and then came the work related questions like explain to me about Bernoulli's theorem , How are clouded created, what are windshere and what are the actions. towards the end they asked if i was fine if i were to be relocated to another city if the pay is lower then the on i received and what can i bring to the company that not many have . I simply replied Confidently I am bringing my experience and my willingness to learn and hopefully be a trainer in the company. After that they proceeded with explaining the company training duration, salary all the basic HR things and asked any questions. i asked, How did i perform? is there room for improvement for me to better my self in the next one. The panel stood silent for a moment then they mentioned that we cant disclose that you got through or not. I replied i was not asking about the result sir just my performance to better myself. I guess they did misunderstood the question at first and they gave their feedback on my interview. I told them thank you shook hands with all of them and mentioned that i am looking forward on to working with them soon. Come to think of it , i have not done this at all asking feedback on my performance in any interview before this.

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After going out, i saw my buddies and some guys i met at the interview and shared my experience. and left home. 3 days later at work i got an email inviting me for another round of interviews a psychometric assessment. to my knowledge i took it as a " just another round and ill be out" thing . Still did the necessary preps and went to the assessment with 2 of my batch-mates. simple chitchat and shared some info and went to the assessment. And again with an open mind went back and slept as if nothing had happen. 3 days later another email came in calling in for Simulator check. I started to get worried. In my heart i felt "gawd this is too good to be true" i mean could you blame me. it was too surreal. Ok this is getting serious. as usual I prep and attended the Simulator session and again my batch-mates was there. (my batch-mates  and i a total of 3 of us are the balance unemployed ones) so kinda happy that the balance are getting a job together moreover it was my best friend from flying school together. we were sort of hoping to go in together and get partner up and all) . so we prep and went in 1 by 1 and again went home with a little hope that i am almost there. That night i got an email stating that i was needed to attend a medical check up. For a piloting interview there are stages :

  1. Assessment
  2. Interview
  3. Simulator check
  4. Medical checkup
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The assessment and interview does not necessarily needs to follow the arrangement but once you reached simulator check and medical checkup you are 95% confirmed you got the job. I got the email at 9pm and being a weekend , went to the check up and waiting. again this time although 95% confirmed i know i got the job but the balance 5% still made me doubt myself. will i get though? a week later while at work got a call. "We are pleased to inform you that you have been selected to join our company as a Pilot. When can you join us?" I told "i need minimum a months notice" and they said "ok we will send you the reporting dates and get back to us with the best dates you could join".
Now that I got the job i have to break the news to my boss. Obviously the he was upset. but was letting me go. i was suppose to give 3 months notice but with my bosses help i managed to get my 1 month notice. Later on my workmate mentioned that my boss sort of acting out because of me leaving. I was suppose to take over his position after all. In the end he came along and me leaving my old office was a bitter sweet situation. yes i took Half days to attend the interviews which raised some eyebrows . My boss knew I was up to something but did not expect me to go for the pilot position. We had a going away party and then began my career as a pilot. This time with out the help or influence of dad.

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At a young age being naive and all thinking that all our plans will go straight and everything will fall into place and little did we know that the journey which was planned vs actual journey was totally different. This is the reason why i chose the title as Life is like a box of chocolates. Why i share this story is simply to tell the world that to achieve something that you really want,  we need to we persevere . Life is not going to hand things to you just like that. There are always curveball's that cant be avoided. Its how we persevere on what we want. Yes i did take things for granted but life thought me a good lesson in a hard way. Until you do not learn a lesson that life teaches you, you will remain where you are. So learn and progress. Look at it this way. Through hardships we appreciate our achievements. All our destinations are the same but our journey makes us who we are. Honestly i dont know what you could learn from this but i hope its a positive one.

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Yes i did not read-proof(which i normally do) my story so please forgive me for them. I am just writing this just of my head.

So this is my signing off
#Simplebutcomplicated #thirthyshadesofblue #pilotstory #lifhappend #interview #sidetrack #Curvball #justkeepswimming #keepmovingforward #lifelesson #learnfromexperience

1. Microburst
  • microburst is an intense small-scale downdraft produced by a thunderstorm or rain shower.
  • usually last from seconds to minutes
  • A sudden increase of airspeed and a climb in the intial stage
  • followed by a gradual desend
  • and ending with a drop of airspeed and increase of rate of desent.
  • Action : if on approch, Go Around. If on departure, delay takeoff
Image result for Windshear

2. Windshear
  • Wind shear (or windshear), sometimes referred to as wind gradient, is a difference in wind speed or direction over a relatively short distance in the atmosphere. 
  • Atmospheric wind shear is normally described as either vertical or horizontal wind shear.

3. ITCZ (Inter-tropical convergence zone)
  • Is the area where the northeast and southeast trade winds converge. 
  • It encircles Earth near the thermal equator, though its specific position varies seasonally. 
  • When it lies near the geographic Equator, it is called the near-equatorial trough. 
  • Where the ITCZ is drawn into and merges with a monsoonal circulation, it is sometimes referred to as a monsoon trough, a usage more common in Australia and parts of Asia.
 Image result for ITCZ (Inter-tropical convergence zone)

4. How Do Clouds Form?
  • Clouds form when rising air, through expansion, cools to the point where some of the water vapor molecules "clump together" faster than they are torn apart by their thermal energy. 
  • Some of that (invisible) water vapor condenses to form (visible) cloud droplets or ice crystals.
  • When they are too heavy to hold the fall down as rain 

 Image result for how do clouds form
5. How Does an Airplane Fly?
  • A plane's engines are designed to move it forward at high speed. 
  • That makes air flow rapidly over the wings, which throw the air down toward the ground, generating an upward force called lift that overcomes the plane's weight and holds it in the sky. 
  • So it's the engines that move a plane forward, while the wings move it upward.

 Forces acting on a flying plane: thrust, weight, drag, and lift

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Life is like a box of chocolates part 2

Gu'day readers. If you are still reading this its either you are board or trying to catch up with a mundane story of mine. So where were we? ah me getting my licence. Now then  I graduated on July 2012. Had amazing batch mates as friends. lost a few of my old friends due to either miscom or disagreements (i was call arrogant just because i was studying to be a Pilot like WTF). Now started the second phase of my life. JOB Hunting.

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The time i graduated was one of the most difficult times where the airlines in Malaysia was "restructuring" there were the surplus of pilots by about 1456 ish. so each airline was taking only the cream of the crop. The interviews i attend per year is 4 times and they only take in 20 per year. Mind you there are only 4 airlines here so 1 airline 20 people per year. you do the math on how to clear up 1456 ish unemployed pilots. Yes i have been to numerous interviews but my preparations was not up to par to be honest and rejection was getting a norm. Mind you even with Dad's "connections" i still did not get through. The feeling of being rejected for the job you love sort of similar with how you break up with you current relationship minus the physical items. The experience is mostly emotional and physiological. Along the way an opportunity came up while "waiting" for self betterment similar to the hand phone repair program, there was a hotel management program was organised by a collage for again the adolescent whom dont know what they want to do. Being shy of being Unemployed pilot, i did not mentions my past and just said that i was working in mum's flower shop after form 5 and was did not have the resources to go further my education. Yes I know , it manipulative and deceitful but i was desperate. Initially i felt guilty that i was taking a place of a deserving person. Later after i got selected, it turns out there were only 6 people whom applied and got in. the guilt sort of reduced to its minimum.

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Now at this point of time where you might think , this is my lowest. yes but lowest at that time. i avoided all sorts of gatherings from weddings to funerals simply because everybody was so into lip service and being snarky for example; "Pilot ah you, you dont look like it." (You dont look like an engineer to but did i comment on that?) or " My nephew just got his job last week . why cant you?" (either he paid bribes/heavy connections to get in or he must be really good. Since you know so much , why dont you help me get the job?) or "I happen to know the HR's assistants maid whom is in-charge of pilot intake, want me to pass your resume?" (ya i also no the HR's dog personally should i pass my resume to the dog to pass to the owner ?) or " You should have studied to be a doctor for the amount your dad paid"( your daughter/ son wanted to study fashion design/ mass com look how they turned out? are they happy? ya name only MBBS DR_ _ _ _ but doing business selling facial products now.) or " Lucky i did not send my child for piloting if not like this only jobless( yup you put him in oil and gas and now he is working in an IT shop selling IT hardware.Ironic isn't it uncle)" and many more. Ask all the unemployed pilots from the year 2010 to 2016. they all have similar stories. But not all mass people are like that. there are some whom encouraged by saying "its ok maybe its not your time" or " keep trying your efforts will never be fruitless . But the Bad will always outnumber the good. Specially from people whom you looked up on and respected. If you are one of them, whom was on the snarky end, you lost my respect.

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Anyways sorry for the sidetrack, i did my hotel management and i manged to get a job in the Call center Industry as a Management trainee. As mentioned in my post dated 24 Jan 2014 i am jumping from department to department learning all that i did not know. People in management noticed that i might do good in the training department as the mentioned " i have a authoritarian figure but a fun personality" and they groomed me well. Which makes me want to train in the future. Later on in life i was handling 5 projects under me in-bound (receiving calls mostly customer care) and out-bound (outgoing calls mostly telemarketing and promotions). My fear of getting use to this job was coming a reality and i did this for 5 years. Managing people is no joke. Not only i handled agents but also management and clients. We as humans are very manipulative. we know how to pretend and back stab. it made me wonder how i would be if i were to be working as a cabin crew. made me recall what my dad said, its better to deal with 1 person then 30. in 3 of my training sessions agents told management that i did not train them on certain products but lucky me, i had exam results and video recording of the agents "studying" in class. Clients will come after me for giving them not so professional agents when in fact the quality outside vs the salary you are giving are miles apart. Thats the pain of being the middle man (the outsource). But i grew. my routines was so simple. Wake up at 5am get ready by 7am , on the train by 8 at work at 9am and back home at 9pm. leave home before sunrise and home after sunset 5 days a week for 5 years.

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Although i was enjoying training and "brightening" my agents with also some self improvement knowledge. I was going for interviews and of cores did not make it yet. My boss at that time i would say if you were to be under his mentor-ship you would be doing good. His methods are unorthodox but it worked well. As he said turn me from a kid to an adult. My boss although he ment well told me " cha, its been 5 years, dont you think trying for piloting is still a thing is ment for you? why dont you work things out on where ever you are at now?" When i heard those words at that time i hurt really bad. ofcourse i was furious but after giving it some thought i see where he was coming from. Still wanted me to succeed in life. A few days after that he told me was being groomed to be head of Learning and Development department. He mentioned that the pay's not as high as flying but its enough to make ends meet. Then came a economic crash at home. At this time 2015 the national airline was restructuring and was letting go 2000 staff. My dad was one of those staff. Yes he did get a good pay off. But its what he did with the payoff.

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While dad was working he met a passenger on board whom was doing a Forex Exchange as a part-time thing. The returns are good and all. Dad came home and invested 20K USD. all at home was aware about it. I on the other hand was not really keen in this. Call me conservative, i believe money is hard earned and not given easy. This is from my observation from dad and life experience. The final payout came out and dad was telling that he wants to invest a total of 60K USD into it which will assure us a return of 20K RMY a month for 2 years. My brother and i was totaly against it and mum simply said, "its his money let him do what he pleases". I told at least pay off the house payment and invest minimally so that if there is a loss it wont be an issue. Dad's intention was good but his pride, ego and greed got the best of him. Not listening us , he invested 60K USD and a week later the forex company went belly up. i was only earning RM2500 a month and the household commitment was 7K a month. The house was literally upside down. Dad trying to safe face did not speak about the loss and registered himself as an Uber driver. The payments were getting behind . Lawyer notices kept piling up we had to pawn some gold, and all sorts happen. Dad has a habit of talking things out to ease his burden. he mostly speaks to me as i m  "an adult" and "responsible". One fine day after picking my brother from collage, he opened up about the "lost investment" and i snapped at him being snarky and i went all 5 yards. All dad could do was be quiet. later after the "lecture" dad got from me , my brother told me i was quite harsh. I told, "its been too long that we walked on egg shells. He needed to hear the truth no matter how bitter it is." Brother said, " you could have been subtle in handing this." and i snapped at my brother. He too could keep quiet.

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While all this was going on, i was dating and when all this was occurring, i was doing my best to balance everything and it was too much for me to handle which is why i call it quits . I broke up 2 days before my stage 2 interview and yes i did not make it. So ya we were all slogging. My car went un-serviceable. Had to sell my second car to get a new car for Uber to make more profit.still we were barely making ends meet. I decided to give up my Piloting career and start on Cabin crew. Was attending interviews on weekends for Singapore Airlines , Qatar, Few others. At that point of time i was thinking of the family and needed to earn enough for the commitments at home. Although being H.O.D. was a great job but i know it aint going to cut out. My work mats all girls. "i was the thorn among st the roses" knew about my situation encouraged me and tried to help where ever they could not financially though. I did not want that help even if the were to offer. "Give a man a fish he eats a day , Teach him how to fish , he eats for life".i needed strategy and not financial assistance.

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On 2017 the airlines was having a mass opening for pilots for interview. Initially i was not so keen on attending my my heart said, just give it 1 last try. if it does not work, its not meant to be. Dad told me just take attendance and come la . Don't put your hopes up. I remember this day so much that it felt like it was yesterday. I went in to the building and we were all waiting in line to submit our documents and licences. The night before i did my best to be as prepared as i could since its been that many times i attended interviews. All old batch-mates was chit chatting catching up after 5 years and doing in one by one. And my turn came up. I told my self, its just another day. Nothing to be anxious.

Ill stop here for now. There is a part 3 if those of you whom are reading.

This is me Signing off....
#Simplebutcomplicated #thirthyshadesofblue #pilotstory #lifhappend #dangersofforex #sidetrack #cabincrew #lowpoint #jobless

Malaysian Pilot Requirements and Itineraries

For those of you whom are keen on learning to become a pilot. this is the things you should know As of 2019, Minimum requirements in Civil Aviation Authority Malaysia( CAAM)

Age 18 >
English                                                       Credit C-
Maths                                                        Credit C-
any Science Subject preferably Physics   Credit C-
and additional 2 subject                             Credit C-

 Please do check the CAAM's website to get the latest info.

The projected Flight school duration is 18 months Minimum
 The course which is standard given is CPL(Commercial Pilots Licence) IR (Instrument Rating) + Frozen ATPL(Airline Transportation Pilots Licence)

The subjects that you will be taking in flying school are as follows. I would recommend you to study using Aviation Exam which cost about 500 bucks per licence per year. if you buy in bulk it could go to about 300 bucks per licence.

Air Law 1
Air Law 2
Human Performance And Limitation
Principles of Flight
Instrument Flight Rules Communication
Visual Flight Rules Communication
Aircraft General Knowledge
Flight Planning
Radio Aid
General Navigation
Mass & Balance
Aircraft Performance
Aircraft type

A total of  3 flight exams
Private Pilots Licence
Commercial Pilots Licence
Instrument Rating.

which comprises of 170 Hours with 30 hours in Simulator
27 Hours on twin Engine (Cross country + General Handling + Instrument rating)
10 Hours on twin Engine Simulator
143 Hours on Single Engine (Cross country + General Handling + Instrument rating)
20 Hours on Single Engine Simulator

Ill add more if there is anything left out

Life is like a box of chocolates.

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Life is indeed a box of chocolates . you'll never know what you might get, as quoted by Forest Gump . Never in my entire life i would expect how my life turned out. The destination that i wanted i have reached but after multiple crossroad, dead ends and all sorts that life threw to me.  I understand that my demographic for readers such as yourself is close to zero to none. Maybe in the hopes of it suddenly booming? i dont know. lets see where it goes. So the ill begin where i left off. my last "post was about what close to 5 years ago? This is my update then.

My journey to become an air crew

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In the event you have read my previous posts which was eons ago, My dad worked in the national airline which led me to chose a life as a crew. i was taken away with the glam of having tea in London, Nasi Lemak in Kuala Lumpur and dinner in Sydney. a chance to see the world as how my dad saw . The good, the bad, the mundane. As a very impressionable child as most of us are, i told dad that i want to be a flight attendant as he is . All dad told me is, why dont you become a pilot? Yes we see the world but its better to deal with 1 person then multiple people. at a young age you would wonder what that could mean. But hey, i still get to see the world rite? so dad groomed me to make flying my passion. after flights, stories. small trinkets of the aircraft and so on.

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In my schooling days, boys being boys ;i was being playful. did not study as well as i was suppose to. in my Form 3 exam it was a major government exams called the PMR. It was a government exam which consist of 7 subjects which will base your streaming. Similar to how the sorting hat in Harry Potter sorts you where you get to study the dark arts or more to potions. Over here it was the Art's stream and the Science stream. Guess what, i got into the arts stream. sort of dashed my dreams to peruse my career as an air crew. Being good dad, he spoke to the school teachers and asked if there was a way to go about for me to move into science stream. Mind you at that time of 15 years ago, to be a pilot you need Add-Math's, Math's, Physics. Its sort of the essential which the art stream did not have.

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After sending in an appeal letter to the school and i was in the Science stream class. Spent my last 2 years of secondary school in that class. The form 5 exam, another major government exam which determined my fate came along. My dads plan was to send me to piloting under scholarship which the company's requirements of 5 credits from 5 subjects. English, Math's, Physics, Bahasa Melayu as an additional subject. As you are well aware, the term "Boys will be Boys" was there. I only managed to get English an A , the rest was just a pass. which was a large disappointment. specially to dad since he wanted to make both our lifes easy.

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Dad decided to find ways to " beat the system" by sending me privately to a flying school. After surveying domestically and international for flying school and costs (Dad almost send me to either Philippines/Canada/New Zealand to study plus the fees were way cheaper by half). To our fear, if i want to work in Malaysia, the minimum requirement is i must have minimum credits in English, Maths and science "preferably physics". Long story short, i had to retake my Form 5 exams, but this time only 5 subjects compared to the initial 10 subjects. While many of my classmates and friends was doing their A'levels , foundations, Flying schools and all. I was redoing my form 5 Exam. I forgot to mention. I missed the registration date for doing my exam in 2007 which resulted me doing my exam in 2008.

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While waiting for the re sitting the exam, alot of altercation occurred between dad and me. I did not want to give up my "flying " career that easily. I went for the Singapore Airlines Cabin Crew interview, in hopes of starting there and studying part time to get into flying as a Pilot. Being young and stupid i went and got kicked out in the second round interview.

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while waiting for the 2008 exam, the government was having workshop (repairing hand-phones) for adolescents whom are clueless on what to do for a living. the course was for 3 months. Still no full concentration on the course but aced it in the end.Then came in 2008 went to tuition, (pretended to be a Private home schooled kid) and aced it with bear minimums. Now comes the twist in life. I had the requirements in 2 sittings. 2006 paper English A. 2008 paper English D, Physics , Maths , General Science and IT paper C and above.  Yes i know.Over confidence.

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Dad and i went to the company and asked if i could apply for the cadet ship and after multiple pleadings, it was a no go. I had to have all the Requirements in 1 Sitting. The plans to put me in a flight school came a few months after. Initially was here and then there and later Langkawi, then was Johor and finally came Malacca (Malaysian Flying Academy). To ensure that we had the resources we re-mortgaged our house for 200K. The total cost of the flight course was 275K. Dad sold shares and dug his EPF account 2 and got a friend to loan him some amount.

Many many obstacle's came by. Relatives say that i dont deserve to be a Pilot. some say "after all you are just a stewards son, why want to aim to be a pilot. only the rich like us can send our son" Many bitter , painful words that still haunt me till the day i got the job. Even at that time i was thinking. Maybe it the universe is telling me that i dont belong in the air. Oh well its kinda too late to think that when dad as paid the deposit for my flying lessons rite? After a painful rigorous 20 months and 21 exams i think. i got my licence. I am now a qualified pilot whom can work for a company.

Ill continue my story later since its kinda late.

This is me Signing off....

#Simplebutcomplicated #thirthyshadesofblue #pilotstory #reebootblogging

Friday, January 10, 2014

Catching up with time...

This year after much excuses I gave my self , I decided to jump start my blogging. My last post was at 2009. To my understanding, only 5 people actually read my blog, its not a big loss" boo hoo". Yes , I got into flying school in Melaka, complete in 2 years and yes unemployed just like the balance 1432 other P.I.L.O.T.S...ill update about that sometime soon. For now ill just give you a brief update of what I have been doing so far. I am currently pursuing a diploma in management. Working for a outsourcing telco company which by law I am not to mention. Working as a management intern, being moved from one department to another to experience all the various tasks in about a month ish per department... On my way to work this morning was a drama by itself. Normally I take the morning train to work say about 7.40 am,(my train journey is about 1 hour) and it was full before even it reached my departing station...Adding pain to insult, the more the people, the more one gets squashed. Initially it seemed that the train was as full as cattle confined to a place. By the time i reached my destination, I was compacted to the size of a tuna in a can. To be precise, squashed tuna.  I guess thats how a tuna feels when its pressed into a can...I have never been so tired to come to work , but there is allways a first for averything. Regardless, thats all I have for now to type....the day is young. So long for now...=)

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

One of the Interesthing things in my life

Ever wondered what is it like to fly like the bird?Not to fast yet satisfying?I had the privilege of doing so a week ago.This is an inside of how a holiday pilot flys.Waking up in the morning at 6.00 was so different then the rest of the days.I had a dream that i was going to fly a week later but it was actually that Sunday morning.Walking to the bathroom and brushing ,my teeth,shaving and taking my shower seems forever.In my heart I was wondering how would my first flight be like.Although my good friend of mine (Muhaimin) and I flew the A320 simulator in AirAsia,this was different.For 1. AirAsia's experience was in a simulator. 2. Its a real Plane this time.But I thought to my self and told my self in the mirror "I have flew a A320 simulator well and I have worked my ass off to get to where I am currently .I have to face my fears or I will never will" and it motivated me for the time being.Taking "Helga" (my GPS) which was programed to terminal 3 in Subang to meet up the captain who will be flying with me.As my dad was driving down to airport, with mum next to dad ,bro and myself at the back seat and I saw the Sky's which was in a perfect condition.As we arrived at Terminal 3 dad called the captain and we met him minuts later.He told us that we had to follow him to the private jet hanger where my flight awaits me.Then the captain took us to the the aircraft where he explained to me how to go about on how to use the check list,how to check if there is water in the fuel, which heading is the aircraft going to take off and what heading are we going to land, Whats the runway we are using, what is our flight path and so on and so forth.In my heart I felt that I was in my own world and he asked me some questions which were relevant to flying which I manage to answer to my best.I felt confidant and prepared to fly until to me a bomb shell fell.He brought this thing called a Survival Kit.Do u know that when ever you get the gut feeling that something is going to happen and u give that blank look?I had that look.If u seen the 1st birthday pic I gave the "look" .My mum noticed it very well (you know mums).She knew I was starting to panic.It made my day in the wrong way.I was already thinking in my heart that I m going to die.But then I told my self again I have to face it now or ill never will.And so I did.I went in the aircraft. I put my seat belt on and doors closed tight.Captain requested ATC(Air Traffic Control) to turn on engine and he thought me how to brake, taxi and turn and all.The fear just went of when we were taxing.Then came the fun part.The Take Off.I was not allowed to take off because I am not a PPL holder.Hell with that, I had good views as we took off.After we took off ,captain gave me control and I was flying now holding the yoke.He told me to do a heading 010 and I did a heading 010 and a turn to heading 330, I did a heading 330.while we did that, we went above Damansara, then Subang then near to Kuala Lumpur and some other places.Since we are not flying IFR (Instrument Flight Rating), we were VFR (Visual Flight Rating) we flew low about 1500 feet, he thought me how to check if the aircraft was going to hit something and stuf.We did a little stunt here and there.And then came the most Exciting part.The Landing.He told me that I was going to align the aircraft for the landing.And so I did.He told me to turn and descend and it was going according to plan.Then I saw the Papi lights.Captain Explained to me that this Papi lights is to guide the aircraft to land safely on the runway.He told me that if all 4 light are white the aircraft is too high and if the lights are all 4 were red the aircraft is too low.What the pilots should do is to maintain the 2 red lights and 2 white lights as they approch till the aircraft is confirmed above the runway.Once it is confirmed that the aircraft is above the runway the, papi lights can be ignored.He also told me that once you have extended the flaps, we have to increase power to avoid a stall or a fall because the flaps role is to lower the speed of the plane.He alos did mentioned that the flaps must be deployed below the speed limits.I had experienced the most softest landing in my life.It was that smooth.At that time I was still in the dissbelive state that I flew an aircraft, that I told the captain that the landing was smooth.I could still remember him saying "Its not only smooth ,it is perfect"then I taxied back to the hanger where my family awaited me for my arrival. After Captain requested ATC to turn off the engine he off-ed it after he got the approval to do so.I got down and so did he and I had a smile in my face that could not wipe out for sometime (It lasted a day).Dad asked the captain, how was my flight and all and he told that I could be on the next flight (that is if I have the PPL) .Other then that I belive that I am well prepared to continue my journey to become an airline pilot in the near future.Till the next storey.Have a great day and enjoy life the positive way for it is not permanent. Good day.

This is me with the Computer

My family and myself

This is me and the captain

This is me in the Cockpit

This is my younger brother (Aldrich) and myself with the helicopter behind me